Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Most Popular Cat Breeds picture

Back to ancient times, cats are already around. Today, we can assess any owner of a cat. There are no restrictions at all on their owners, unlike other pets that require high maintenance and are subject to state or federal regulation.

A cat can also help you forget an exhausting day at work or school. She can caress you and purr. Any cat lovers, it does not need a reason or a question of ownership. However, for those who do not have a chat in May that they believe is an enormous task.

In fact, cats are the easiest to own pets. A simple set and some training sessions may be dispensed to treat the problem of dirt, especially for indoor cats.

Getting Your Own Cat. Having a cat in the house will certainly be an experience you do not want to miss. Again, they can be easily updated in the household; there is no need to worry.

All you have to do is choose a type that best suits your personality. There are many breeds of cats there to choose, not to mention those who have been raised on the cross.
Each race has its own characteristic and personality. This can affect how they behave, how they play and even if they require more maintenance.

The best thing to do is choose the best breed for you. Here are the top 10 breeds to choose from.

1. Persian cat

They are known for their long and fluffy hair that can measure up to 3 inches. They also have beautiful colors ranging from white, black, gray, orange or a combination of these colors. Persian cats require more maintenance depending on their hair. They also need a comfortable environment and they feel secure.

2. Siamese Cat

Siamese are also very popular. They have brands in the hair that make them very distinct. They also have thin bodies and very elegant posture. They tend to be too noisy or cry a lot if they want to attract your attention.

3. Manx

Manx cats are very different because of their own back end this in a short tail. Their structure gives them a very rounded which makes them more adorable and cuddly.

4. Siberian Cat

Siberian cats are known for their proportions and their fur. Some even claim their furs are hypoallergenic, although this is yet to be confirmed. They are almost like dogs in their personality.

5. Maine Coon Cat

Maine Coon Cat, or as some would say Mancoon cat, is one of the oldest breeds of cats. Throughout the world there is one, you will find, because they can withstand warm and even cold climates. One will be a very faithful family. They are fun-loving. Their good-natured personality will be very hard with the children.

6. Ragdoll

Another wonderful breed for soon to be pet owners is the ragdoll. This cat is medium length hair. They are very sweet, easygoing and affectionate. They must be kept indoors, away from the aggressiveness

7. Burmese Cat

The Burmese cats are shorthaired. Burmese cats tend to be like the Siamese voice. Draw the hair is enough for grooming. They can really make a bonded and trust with their owners.

8. Somali Cat

Somali cats are long-haired cats that wee of the Abyssinian race. They are ideal for homeowners who want an active, intelligent and playful animal. They have little hair and throw it ideal for those who do not want too much time grooming.

9. Russian Blue

This breed of cat is blue to blue-gray coat. They usually have green eyes or black. They also bond very well with their owners, but they are very shy to strangers.

10. American Bobtail

American Bobtails are clearly recognized for their tails are shorter than the ordinary type and look like it has been specially bobbed. They may have short or long coats.


Cats are the most wonderful creatures in the world.

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